Current Weight: 140
I had a doctors appointment today! We talked for awhile and decided that we would try to strip my membranes if it was possible. Well - It was possible! I am 4cm dilated!! I think were were equally surprised. I am also 50% effaced (-3 station) and she could feel him and said my bag of water was bulging. So she didn't strip my membranes - she said she wouldnt be surprised if I went into labor tonight on my own.
Aside from one strong contraction I had a week or two ago, I didnt think I had had any real ones. But maybe I was just brushing them off as "braxton hicks" too quickly...
I have an appointment next week Tuesday with the doctor I met last time but then I am going back to my doctor on Thursday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If I dont go into labor before then, I definitely should afterwards. We also scheduled me for an ultrasound with the perinatologist tomorrow just to check on his growth since I am still measuring 33 weeks.
I am so excited!! We are going to put together the crib tonight and I will probably get my hospital bag ready to go.
Alikah did great as usual and was acting excited with me lol. She has been saying, "Babys coming babys coming!" and "Come out baby Harper!" I asked her if she was going to give him a big kiss and she said "Yeah! And a bigggg hugggg too!"
From my update last week: "Spencer has a "feeling" about next week."
Looks like he could be right!
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