Current Weight: 139.5 lbs (2 pounds in a week?! Uhhh..)
Total weight gain: 15.5 lbs
How Big Is Baby?: the size of a pineapple
Sleep: Weird. I feel like Im not sleeping, but I am? It feels more like a half-sleep.
Movement: I feel it in my ribs, way down low, and everywhere in between.
Symptoms: Getting harder and harder to bend/roll/stand up..
Food cravings: Trail mix. I measure it out because I seriously could eat the entire bucket of it. (I have "Monster" from Target right now)
What I miss: Shaving easily.
What I am looking forward to: Starting weekly appointments.
Milestones: He should be here in ONE MONTH!!! Wow..
Best moment this week: I think my favorite thing now is when Alikah kisses him or acknowledges him in anyway.
On the last 2 or 3 walks we have taken shes wanted to push the stroller. The other night I was reading her Big Sister book to her and she wanted me to go to the "stroller page." It says "I help push you in the stroller," and it made me realize she was doing it because she remembered it from the book.
Harper's baby shower is part of my parents big June 25th party, but this week Spencer's mom told him that they decided to have a little baby shower for us too.
Because of time and schedules, its going to be after Harper is born. I wasnt expecting this at all! This is really all happening! We cant wait to meet our little boy.
I really can't wait for the June 25th party, just because I get to see your lovely face! =)