Friday night we went to my parents which is where the june-bug incident occurred. Spencer and I had the exact same thought about it: (on gmail chat)
Me: well see how she does at THE sandbox tonight
Spencer: i hope she lets us go to the sandbox tonight
Me: i really hope she forgets about it
She was fine. She hasnt forgotten about it and is still saying shes scared of bugs but for the most part shes back to normal.
Oh, and while I was carrying Alikah to the car to leave Spencer says, "Go this way!"
Too late, I walked into a huge group of june bugs. I screamed. And jumped. While holding Alikah. That probably didnt help much hahaha.

We are planning on getting a new camera very soon. I hate the one we have. Its old and barely working. Im surprised it even works at all. I throw it and slam it down so much that for awhile whenever Alikah grabbed it she would hit it on the floor and say, "god dammit!" Ha. Oops.

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